Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Mind Games


The great Yogi Berra once said that "90 per cent of baseball is half mental."

Today, it's that silly and pointless thing I do every year to trick myself that spring is right around the corner...

The three coldest months of the years are December, January, and February.  January is now half over, so that means winter is half over!

In reality, it isn't.  Far from it.

We are entering the statistical two coldest weeks of the year.  We've received some whopper snow storms in late January, February and March.

So while the calendar says winter is half over, the worst of the season is still ahead of us.

In my book, December flies by because you have the holiday distractions.  Plus, the weather usually isn't all that bad.  February is a short month, and you can feel the sun getting a little stronger.  March is one of those transition months that isn't sure if it wants to be winter or spring.

January is the toughest nut to crack, but at least we are making progress.