Saturday, February 10, 2024

About the Cover: Blue Lace


I always had a fascination with Scranton Lace.  I remember being in a car with the family, occasionally driving past, and marveling about everything here-- the size of the buildings, the clock tower, the whistle...  It was also a source of local pride.  A world famous product was made in Scranton.  Now, all we seem to hang our hat on is a dreadful sitcom.

It was a sad day when the factory closed.  Jobs lost.  Our economy took a hit.  Prestige disappeared.  This was an amazing building-- offices, machinery, a bowling alley, food...  a city unto itself.

The place was vacant for years, and I'm sorry I never had the chance to go inside before renovations started.

The renaissance has begun, and look for some thoughts on that here tomorrow.