Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Better than Punxsutawney Phil


Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring last week, and my nose tells me spring is in our near future.  

Skunks are becoming more active.  The aroma is now all over my neighborhood.  As I say every year, skunks become active in late winter, looking for food and love.  It's a great signal that warmer weather is on the way.

There was a false start this year.  There was a skunk near my house on New Year's Day.  The stench was so strong, I thought he was in the living room!  I thought it was going to be the daily thing, but that was it.  The skunks disappeared for several weeks.

I'm happy to say they are back!  I even saw a robin the other day, and yes, I do know that some do stay north during the winter.

I will also add that I did see some long range scientific guidance that predicts colder and possibly snowier weather from mid February, in to March.

However, a combination of skunk, ground hog, and robin is tough to beat.